Oracle apps interview questions and answers2

11. What are different types of Journal entries?

               Journal entries are based on business transaction and correct effect of entries bring apparent balance sheet and profit or loss. The different types of Journal Entries are:
1 Standard Journal Entry: This type uses Journal Entry as foundation for creating the two types of Standard Journal Entries:
  • Template. Template automate the entry of similar or identical journal entries. It does not copy the monetary amounts in the successive journal entry.
  • Recurring. Recurring automate the entry of similar or identical journal entries. It copies the monetary amounts in successive journal entries. It can be created across accounting periods or for multiple accounting periods.
2 Copy Journal Entry: It uses an existing journal entry as the basis for a new journal entry and makes a copy of an existing journal entry, including dollars. You can copy any journal entry and then change the header or detail lines. You can mark it as a reversal so debits and credits are reversed.
3 Allocation Type Journal Entry: It allows for an allocation process to calculate the values to be included in the journal entries. Allocations are typically used to allocate certain balances and statistical quantities across Business Units, Funds and/or Departments.

12.Differentiate between conversions and interfaces

      As in the general English meaning of conversion means converting from one from to another form and interface means connecting two or more entities together or just acting as a bridge.
Conversion: Converts foreign currency transactions to your functional currency Interface: Interface is table where get the information from feeder system for exporting data from legacy into ERP.

13. What is Data Migration and what is Conversion? What’s the difference between both?

               Both of the term is used interchangeably. Or just we can say that Data Conversion is set of data migration. Data migration is upgrading what we call but Data conversion is taking the data from the source and converting according to the target set environment.

14. Differences between Quick Pick and Quick Codes.

             Quick Pick is variable because it selects values from user-defined tables. Quick Code is static & it selects values from system table. Quick Code is faster than Quick Pick because it uses internal CACHE.

15.  What does 'Unfreezing Rollup Groups' do?

             Unfreezing rollup group can make changes to the rollup group. After making changes, you have to freeze it again and compile it to get the effect of change.

16. Explain rule based optimization in Oracle Apps

               More than a decade ago, all Oracle databases used what is now called rule-based optimization, which uses a fixed strategy to optimize a query's results. For example, if a table had a unique index and the columns were fully qualified, the table would become the driving table for the rest of the query--regardless of the number of rows in each table.

17.  Explain the significance of profile option “Node Trust Level” in Oracle Apps

             If this profile option is set to some external value against a server, then it signifies that the specific middle tier is External i.e. it will be exposed to the www. Which means that this server is not within the firewall of your client? The idea behind this profile option is to apply some special restrictions for security.

18.  What is the significance of profile option “Responsibility Trust Level”?

               The main significance of Responsibility Trust Level is to make a responsibility accessible from an external web tier. To make it possible we must make profile option “Responsibility Trust Level” at responsibility level equal to “External”. Only those responsibilities that have this profile option against them will be accessible from External Middle tiers.

19. What is the role of Document Manager in Oracle Purchasing?

             To receive pipeline signal from the application on made request. Document Manager Functionality comes within Oracle Universal Content Management (UCM) which allows an Organizations/firm to effectively and efficiently capture, secure, share and distribute digital and paper-based documents and reports. The main benefits of using the Document Manager are Organization will:
  • Save money and improve operational efficiencies by streamlining communications,
  • Automating routine tasks and
  • Lowering costs related to the printing, shipping, and storage of business documents.
  • Manageable as it can easily collaborate and share documents of all types and allow users to quickly and securely access and manage them via a Web browser
  • Hot-pluggable which means can provide out-of-the-box support for Oracle and third party repositories, security, and enterprise applications
20.  What are the two mechanisms by which to trace the document manager? Explain them

1. Set the debugging on by using profile option:
First Set profile option "Concurrent: Debug Flags" to TCTM1. This profile should only generate debugs when set at Site level as Document Manager can run in a different session. Secondly Bounce the Document Manager. Then Retry the Workflow to generate debugs. After generating debugs reset profile option "Concurrent: Debug Flags" to blank. At last check debug information in table fnd_concurrent_debug_info
2. This can also be done by setting profile option “Initialization SQL Statement – Custom” against your username before reproducing the issue. The value of this profile will be set so as to enable trace using event 10046, level 12.

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